Generic Conspiracy / Redpill


Hello, it's me: ly ('lee'; short for leadedyogurt), certified schizo bro. This is my redline board, where everything comes together and everything just makes sense. I'm on a journey to uncover the truths of the world and all the horrors that it contains - I guess you're along for the ride now. Make sure to buy a tinfoil hat at the giftshop, and play my games that don't subliminally program you.

P.S. I would recommend middle-clicking the mouse to get around this place.

Part of image redacted


A snake clone where the apples try to eat you.


A collection of some javascript tutorials that can make YOUR website look better.

Animated Title

Photo Evidence

This image was taken near Peyto Lake. I spotted a giant alien-looking tripod thing in distance. There were also some other weird, dare I say, paranormal sightings there.

Picture of a monster a friend of mine ran into. He hasn't been the same ever since; weird ticks and I swear he's gotten paler.

This is something I photographed at night. I think its the explanation for all of the dead birds I've been seeing around. It only seems to drink their blood as there is never any left in the corpses. If I had to give it a dramatic name, I'd call it the 'Blight of the Heavens'

The last few months (as of September 2024), I've been capturing and detaining some creatures that rome around. I've also employed a few people to help me. You'll never hear their names or see even the censored versions of their faces due to their government connections; they can't let anyone know they work with me. As for the legality of this, it might classify as animal abuse, but I'm sure these things aren't animals. I have some stolen NASA footage coming out soon.

Isn't my dog just so cute?

Kasey is always hanging around the kitchen, so we taught her to cook. This was before she grew her third eye, of course.

This is a background I made for Hawaii part II by Miracle Musical. 1920x1080 at full resolution. Downloads automatically.

This was taken near Peyto. What baffles me more than it's existence is the question of who put up the sign.

Rant Board

Reboot | 23-08-2024

I completely nuked all of the site code, and built it back from the ground up. As they say in writing: 'slaughter your darlings'. The old format looked okay, but it could have been better. I like the random rotation, but it takes longer to align the pins on top of the threads. Quality over Quantity! I should add the Not Links back, but I'm getting tired now. I'm also thinking of making a webring since I haven't yet found any relating to what this site is. I'll also link some other Neocities sites on here tomorrow. Who knew running a simple little website like this would be like a full time job? Luckily I don't have much else to do right now. ha.

Can't wait for this place to be a sprawling web on the world wide web. Progress will slow down in a few weeks since I'll have school or something. Ya'know I might just want to rant about school on here. That's what this site will be: 90% my insane ramblings. I guess that is what I sort of intended with the whole redline board, but more conspiracy theories not rambling. I guess I'll also do that tomorrow...

More Updates!!! | 26-08-2024

Okay, so there is a lot more stuff here now. That's cool. The chatbox took like 5 hours to make ridiculous. I hate javascript so much. Lemme rant!

How the chatbox works: messages are turned into a bit of html with the text as a paragraph, and the name as a header. At the end of a javascript session, all variables and modifications to HTML are discarded and the document is reverted to its previous state. To circumvent this, you have to use the localStorage.setItem(); function. This will now store the data on the machine that the HTML is running on, in this case, my neocities server. After this, if it detects that there is something in the local storage under previousMessagesDeep, it will access each item in the array, and append that to the HTML file. There is one problem here: when a variable is saved to localStorage, it is converted into a string. This means that when we try to access it like an array, it just wont work. We can solve this by using JSON.parse();. This will look for things like brackets [], curlies {}, quotes "", and colons :, use those to reconstruct the array or object. Simply just doing previousMessges = JSON.parse(blah blah blah) will not sometimes, because javascript loves to abstract objects and arrays into strings that represent their type but don't have any information (it will just say there is an object here, and we don't know what the object is). The way around this is to use the spread operator [... JSON.parse(whatever)]. This will just convert the object/array into it's fully detailed form before doing anything with it. Now there is one more problem: when we save localStorage, it adds the new object to a string, then converts the combination back into a string. This causes part of the object to be abstracted and then everything blows up. We can't really use the spread operator here either. So now to prevent this, we have to assign the message to an intermediate variable instead of just adding it to previousMessages, and we then have to convert that into a string using JSON.stringify();. THEN, we can finally add it into the array, and then save the array.

This is the simplest working implementation of a chatbox that I have found, feel free to copy the code if you can find it, just as long as you credit and link we back! I'm not some copywriting smuck, something something free and open source... So yeah that's what I've been doing recently.


Uh OH | 26-08-2024

The chatbox, doesn't work I thought it would have the messages to the server, but it saves them to the client's computer. Darn.

Technical difficulties | 27-08-2024

Okay so it turns out most neocities websites don't create their own guestbooks and neocities doesn't even allow you to access the serverside stuff. I think I'll add some tutorials to this website or something, I'll also keep compressing the images so the load time isn't abysmal. I'll use the super-compressed ones on the main pages, and it will only load the higher-quality ones on click.

Find Out Your Fate Today!

You will ███████████████
in █████████████████.


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the button of

There will be more links here!

This will be for if I have a whole ton of links. Like a lot.

This is a last resort. This will only be used if I ever have like a billion people I need to link